Einhverfusamtökin á Norðurlöndum ásamt Eistlandi, Lettlandi og Litháen halda sinn árlega fund í Danmörku í vikunni. Á fundinum fimmtudaginn 16. maí, verða tvö fræðsluerindi í streymi. Annars vegar er það erindi um fjöltyngi, tungumál og samskipti, og enskunotkun einhverfra og hins vegar erindi um skynjun út frá sjónarhorni einhverfra. Sjá upplýsingar hér að neðan.
Cecilia Brynskov: 15:30-16:30 CET, 13:30 GMT
Cecilia Brynskov is a researcher and consultant, with special expertise in language and human communication with autism. She has a Ph.D. in psychology.
In addition to multilingualism, Cecilia will talk about language and communication and how some autistic people become good at English on their own.
Bilingualism in autism:
Ole Anders Rauff: 17:00-18:30 CET, 15:00 GMT
Ole Anders Rauff is an autistic autism consultant and metacognitive therapist.
Ole combines a basic introduction to all the inner as well as the outer senses, with an autistic perspective.
Senses and Autism: